How To Consign
The Finest in Atlanta Resale

As a consignment store, we strive to create that “real boutique” feel: Cleanliness, organization, color coordination, and selection.
We never know what’s coming in, so our inventory is always changing.
What to consign:
Trending contemporary clothing, footwear, handbags and designer labels. All clothing articles must be cleaned or laundered, in current fashion, and on hangers (they will be returned yo you)
Merchandise is priced according to its condition and present retail value. The store reserves the right to determine the value of an item, however your input is welcomed. An itemized computer inventory sheet will be E-mailed to you.
It is your responsibility to pick up unsold items at the end of the 60 day consignment term.
Urban Renewal Woodstock accepts consignments on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm.
No appointment is necessary.
Shop with your store credit and receive 10 % off the amount of available credit ie: $50 account credit = $5 discount
Consignors may receive a check when present at the shop once per calendar month
Consignors earn 40 % on items priced up to $99 50 % on items priced $100- $ 499 60 % on items priced $ 500+